Works by Wiesław Dymny, diploma project by Academy of Fine Arts student Oliwia Małuch


The box was made to the design and instructions of Oliwia Małuch, a sixth-year student of the Faculty of Art Conservation and Restoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. The box is intended for the safekeeping of Wiesław Dymny's works. As part of her diploma project, Oliwia carried out the preventive conservation of the collection.

  • corrugated board 3.0 mm; 620 gsm; ISO 9706, PAT, PAT Color certificates
  • Castello cardboard 1.6 mm; ISO 16245, PAT certificates
  • museum cardboard 2.0 mm; ISO 16245, PAT certificates
  • Cialux bookcloth
  • 20-mm cotton ribbon; stainless steel rivets
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