Carta Guardia Light Grey paper and paperboard


Top quality paper and paperboard used to produce enclosures, envelopes, folders, also as packaging paper (130 m2). Carta Guardia paper is the first paper in Poland to have been awarded an ISO 16245 compliance certificate. Carta Guardia Light Grey is its lighter version introduced by Beskid Plus in 2018.

  • Carta Guardia Light Grey paper and paperboard:
    - ISO 16245 type A and PAT certificates
    - 100% cellulose
    - colour: light grey
    - pH > 7.5
    - alkaline reserve > 0.4 mol/kg
    - Kappa number < 5
    - water absorbency:  Cobb60 < 25 g/m2
    - no dye migration
    - no optical brighteners
    - grammages: 130 and 330 g/m2
ISO 16245 A
Carta Guardia Light Grey paper and paperboard
Example of application: I-type enclosure
Available sizes
Price per sheet (net)
  • Price per sheet (net)
  • Price per sheet (gross)
Index Material Dimensions 1 - 99 100 - 499 500 and more Amount Total Sample
CGL130 130 g/m² paper 100x70 cm
CGL130B0 130 g/m² paper 140x100 cm
CGL330 330 g/m² paperboard 100x70 cm
CGL330BB 330 g/m² paperboard 162x126 cm
CGL400BB 400 g/m² paperboard 162x126 cm
Total: ...