
Beskid Plus
Tel.: 33 470 77 80

PHU BESKID PLUS sp.j. Tyrna, Cybuch
ul. Towarowa 3, 43-400 Cieszyn | NIP: 548-20-75-995

Termék információk

Vacuum cleaner with HEPA S555 filter


This vacuum cleaner is intended for hard-to-reach surfaces in archives, museums and libraries. It stops at least 99.97% of mechanical impurities larger than 0.3 µm, as well as cells of fungi, protozoa and bacteria, and most viruses. It is a light (with the weight of only 2.2 kg) and compact vacuum cleaner with continuous power adjustment. It is perfect for use in storehouses, restoration workshops, museums and libraries. The set comes with 8 different tools/brushes, a bag, a shoulder strap, filters, a set of 5 filter bags and 2 flexible hoses. 



Beskid Plus
Tel.: 33 470 77 80

PHU BESKID PLUS sp.j. Tyrna, Cybuch
ul. Towarowa 3, 43-400 Cieszyn | NIP: 548-20-75-995

Elérhető méretek
Index Anyag Méretek 1 - 4 5 - 9 10 vagy több darab
S555 vacuum cleaner mieszany 2,2 kg 432803.97 Ajánlatkérés Ajánlatkérés
810.STO.PH720 filter bags filtr set of 5 pcs. 20883.55 Ajánlatkérés Ajánlatkérés
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