
Beskid Plus
Tel.: 33 470 77 80

PHU BESKID PLUS sp.j. Tyrna, Cybuch
ul. Towarowa 3, 43-400 Cieszyn | NIP: 548-20-75-995

Termék információk

Secol polyester A-S pocket page


An A4 pocket page with inner divisions designed to store photographs, photographic films and paper. It is possible to stick these pocket pages in a special ringbinder box, which ensures convenient and safe review of the stored documents.

  • Secol polyester:
    - PAT certificate
    - 100% polyester
    - transparent
    - neutral pH 



Beskid Plus
Tel.: 33 470 77 80

PHU BESKID PLUS sp.j. Tyrna, Cybuch
ul. Towarowa 3, 43-400 Cieszyn | NIP: 548-20-75-995

Elérhető méretek
Index Anyag Méretek 1 - 99 100 - 999 1000 vagy több darab
AS200P1SE A4 format 75 µm polyester 233x303 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS201P2SE A5 format 75 µm polyester 233x154 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS202P4SE A6 format 75 µm polyester 116x154 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS205P20SE 35 mm negative 75 µm polyester 57x54 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS211P2SE 116x303 mm format 75 µm polyester 116x303 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS207P12SE 6x6 and 6x7 formats 75 µm polyester 76x66 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS208P20SE 43x65 mm format 75 µm polyester 43x65 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS203S4SE 60 mm negative 75 µm polyester 75x230 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS300P4FW 60 mm negative 75 µm polyester negatyw 60 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS204S7SE 35 mm negative 75 µm polyester 42x230 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
AS301P7FW 35 mm negative 75 µm polyester 230x42 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés
ASCD2 2 x CD 75 µm polyester 124x124 mm 1351.29 1151.89 Ajánlatkérés