
Beskid Plus
Tel.: 33 470 77 80

PHU BESKID PLUS sp.j. Tyrna, Cybuch
ul. Towarowa 3, 43-400 Cieszyn | NIP: 548-20-75-995

Termék információk

Cotton paper envelope for glass plates


The envelopes we produce can come in any format, and they can be opened along the longer edge or along the shorter edge. The closing flaps are adhesive-free. We fill orders for envelopes without flaps as well as envelopes with elongated flaps.

We would advise against producing envelopes from paper such as 95 g/m2 cotton paper. Application of an adhesive agent often produces a rippling and warping effect on envelope edges.

Note: when placing an order for envelopes, make sure you provide us with their inner dimensions which take into account a safety margin added to the format of an object to be stored.

We use a high quality EVA adhesive to produce our envelopes

  • Cotton paper:
    - PAT certificate
    - 100% cotton cellulose
    - pH 7.0
    - colour: white
    - Kappa number < 5
    - water absorbency: Cobb60 < 25 g/m2
    - no dye migration
    - no optical brighteners
    - grammages: 120 g/m2 


Beskid Plus
Tel.: 33 470 77 80

PHU BESKID PLUS sp.j. Tyrna, Cybuch
ul. Towarowa 3, 43-400 Cieszyn | NIP: 548-20-75-995

Elérhető méretek
Index Anyag Méretek 1 - 99 100 - 999 1000 vagy több darab
KBB6X9 Cotton paper 120 g/m² 60x90 mm 293.76 267.05 Ajánlatkérés
KBB9X12 cotton paper 120 g/m² 90x120 mm 377.44 343.61 Ajánlatkérés
KBB10X15 cotton paper 120 g/m² 100x150 mm 452.21 411.26 Ajánlatkérés
KBB13X18 cotton paper 120 g/m² 130x180 mm 514.52 468.23 Ajánlatkérés
KBB18X24 cotton paper 120 g/m² 180x240 mm 616 560.81 Ajánlatkérés
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