Product card

Beskid Plus
Tel.: 33 470 77 80

PHU BESKID PLUS sp.j. Tyrna, Cybuch
ul. Towarowa 3, 43-400 Cieszyn | NIP: 548-20-75-995

Product information

Avant-garde 1980s magazines, diploma project by Academy of Fine Arts student Matylda Zielińska


Avant-garde magazine cabinet made to the design and instructions of Matylda Zielińska, a sixth-year student at the Faculty of Art Conservation and Restoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. The box is designed to keep exhibits from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. It is a collection of a 1980s avant-garde periodical, "Tango," whose creators were the Kultura Zrzuty group. As part of her diploma project, Matylda carried out the preventive conservation of the collection.

  • corrugated cardboard 3.0 mm; 620 gsm; ISO 9706, PAT, PAT Color certificates
  • Castello cardboard 1.6 mm; ISO 16245, PAT certificates
  • Cialux bookcloth
  • cotton ribbon 10 mm, stainless steel rivets
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